Single Women


More Than Birth Control

Regardless of your relationship status, tracking and charting your fertility is a good idea. 

Your fertility is beautiful and intricate; it's a gift. It's not a disease that needs to be cured. It is a vital sign that changes in response to the state of your overall health. Do you have debilitating cramps or crazy heavy flows? Cycle irregularities may be indicators of underlying issues - issues that need to be addressed and not suppressed. See Hormonal Contraceptives Often things you didn't think were related to your cycle become clear once you start charting. Those headaches you get from time to time? Turns out they're hormonal! 

Aside from using the Marquette Method to effectively avoid or achieve pregnancy, there are additional benefits to tracking your cycle. Sometimes periods can be a pain, but regular ovulation and menstruation are a normal and healthy part of being a woman. If your periods are so painful that you can’t complete your usual activities, that’s NOT normal and it’s time to do something about it. Tracking and charting your fertile signs can help identify some common women's health issues, including: endometriosis, PCOS, reproductive hormone imbalances, and thyroid issues. A Femme Fertility instructor can provide guidance on the next steps you (and your physician) can take to optimize your health. See Health Benefits

Don’t Wait! Start charting for YOU!

A 24 year old single woman heard from a friend that if she started charting she could learn about herself. Her charts showed a consistently short post-ovulatory phase, which likely meant her body wasn’t making enough of it’s own progesterone. Low progesterone can cause a variety of symptoms including headaches. Without enough progesterone to balance it, estrogen can increase- causing weight gain and a decreased sex- drive. In addition, low levels of progesterone can increase the chances of miscarriage. Because she had the documented record of her fertility, she was able to address the problem with the help of her physician. All before she was even THINKING of having a baby!

It can be hard to navigate what’s normal and what’s not. Learning to identify your signs of fertility will give you confidence; increase your self-knowledge and body literacy. When you're feeling extra confident and energetic- you won’t be surprised to note that you’re ovulating, too. And wouldn't be great if each month you weren't surprised to meet or impatiently waiting on Aunt Flow? Charting your fertility gives you invaluable knowledge about the health of your fertility AND your overall health!

Marquette Method NFP. 

It's time you take control of your health and fertility.

Get Started Now

Schedule a class with a trained medical professional and start your journey toward understanding your body and fertility.