Health Benefits

Take charge of your health and fertility.



Tracking and charting your fertile signs can help identify some common women's health issues, including: endometriosis, PCOS, reproductive hormone imbalances, and thyroid issues. A Femme Fertility instructor can provide guidance on the next steps that you (and your physician) can take to optimize your health.

It can be hard to navigate what’s normal and what’s not. Learning to identify your signs of fertility will give you confidence; increase your self-knowledge and body literacy. When you're feeling extra confident and energetic- you won’t be surprised to note that you’re ovulating, too. And wouldn't be great if each month you weren't surprised to meet or impatiently waiting on Aunt Flow? Charting your fertility gives you invaluable knowledge about the health of your fertility AND your overall health!

Regardless of your relationship status, tracking and charting your fertility is a good idea. 

Your fertility is beautiful and intricate; it's a gift. It's not a disease that needs to be cured. It is a vital sign that changes in response to the state of your overall health. Do you have debilitating cramps or crazy heavy flows? Cycle irregularities may be indicators of underlying issues - issues that need to be addressed and not suppressed. Often things you didn't think were related to your cycle become clear once you start charting. Those headaches you get from time to time? Turns out they're hormonal! 

Aside from using the Marquette Method to effectively avoid or achieve pregnancy, there are additional benefits to tracking your cycle. Sometimes periods can be a pain, but regular ovulation and menstruation are a normal and healthy part of being a woman. If your periods are so painful that you can’t complete your usual activities, that’s NOT normal and it’s time to do something about it.

It's time you take control of your health and fertility.

Holistic Approach

NFP is an incredible tool for identifying underlying health concerns. It is unique in that it helps you to consider your fertility holistically. This holistic approach acknowledges that we are more than a sum of our parts; our physical, psychological, mental, and spiritual health are not isolated from one another and must be considered as a whole. See Clean Living..

Femme Fertility acknowledges that diet and nutrition are huge players in optimizing your overall health and fostering a healthy fertility. Contact us today for more information or sign up for an Intro Session for access to a nutrition guide and other member resources.

  • Charting For Health

  • Single Women

  • Hormonal Contraceptives

    Isn’t everyone on the pill? A majority of women are prescribed hormonal contraceptives (HCs) for one of the following reasons: PMS symptoms, heavy periods, irregular periods, acne, endometriosis, or PCOS. And while they can provide some measure of symptom relief, it's important to know that HCs do NOT address the cause of your symptoms.

    HCs have side effects that can disrupt your quality of life, too. Increasing inflammation, impacting your ability to absorb nutrients, decreasing sex drive, affecting who you're attracted to, disrupting your gut health and immunity, and delaying fertility. Maybe you're still on the pill or you’ve got an IUD or an implant. Or maybe you got off and your original symptoms returned with a vengeance. Are you trying to conceive and finding it more difficult than you imagined?

    Whatever your story is, it’s time you took control of your health and fertility. It’s time to address the root cause of your symptoms and to reap the health benefits of ovulation.

  • Ovulation Benefits

  • Perimenopause

    When you think of menopause you likely imagine all sorts of discomfort- hot flashes, sleep disturbances, etc. One hallmark of “the change” is a shortened cycle. This can lead to an unexpectedly early ovulation which is where many surprise late-in-life babies happen. The hormones that regulate fertility in your body are dramatically shifting. Lifestyle modifications can be critical in keeping your cycle somewhat regulated and minimizing symptoms. With the guidance of a Marquette instructor, you can feel confident about your family planning goals and your health during this transition.

  • Cycle Prep

What about…?

Wondering about your specific circumstances or health condition? There may be some women for whom Marquette Method is not the best choice. Reach out so we can discuss your options.