Frequently Asked Questions
How It Works
Fertility Awareness Based Method? Natural Family Planning? Cycle Tracking? What’s the difference?
Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM) is an umbrella term that includes all methods of tracking and charting a woman’s menstrual cycle for the purpose of family planning, health benefits, or personal empowerment. It includes Natural Family Planning (NFP) and Fertility Awareness (FA). The main difference between NFP and FA is the manner in which a woman or couple choose to use their phase of combined fertility while using a FABM for family planning. NFP requires that a couple abstain from intercourse during their fertile window in order to achieve the studied efficacy rates. FA recommends that a couple use a alternative method of family planning, such as a barrier method, during their fertile phase, if they are using FABM to avoid pregnancy.
The term “cycle tracking” is sometimes used to mean noting the start date and length of a woman’s period. “Cycle tracking” for the purpose of family planning, health benefits, or personal empowerment includes much more awareness of a woman’s fertility and an understanding of the entirety of her menstrual cycle, including: ovulation, follicular phase length, luteal phase length, cervical mucus production, appropriate progesterone levels, and more. It involves observing and recording scientifically proven signs of fertility (biomarkers). This information gives women the ability to be the master of their cycles and health.
Do I need the Clearblue Fertility Monitor to practice the Marquette Method?
No! The Marquette Method has effective instructions for using alternative markers of fertility which don’t require the use of the Clearblue Fertility Monitor, including mucus, temperature, and LH strips. These options will be mentioned in the Intro Session. The Marquette Method can be personalized to your unique budget and stage of fertility. You don’t need to purchase a monitor before your Intro Session but if you do, you’ll be able to set it up with your instructor. Click HERE for links to the correct monitors and test strips.
There are 2 Clearblue Monitors available for sale. Which one should I pick?
Both the Analog monitor and Touchscreen monitor work perfectly well in conjunction with Marquette Method protocols. There may be a number of reasons you might pick one over the other. The Touchscreen is usually cheaper to purchase new but you can often find inexpensive Analog monitors for resale. Women report that the Touchscreen is easier to navigate but both have straightforward instructions for use. The Analog allows for more frequent testing which can have some benefit for women who have not had a return of their cycle postpartum. If you have questions about which monitor is right for you, please Contact Us.
Why do I need an instructor?
Marquette Method NFP is effective. Since the research was all done on couples with formal instruction, professional instruction is critical. Even when your cycles aren’t regular or predictable, working with an instructor will give you the confidence to tackle the unexpected situations that can happen throughout your reproductive life.
Can anyone teach Marquette Method NFP?
One of the things that sets the Marquette Method apart from other methods of Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness Based Methods is that it is exclusively taught by healthcare professionals with a minimum of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Can I use a barrier method during my fertile window?
The high efficacy rates of the Marquette Method don’t include having sex when you know you’re fertile. If you do use a barrier method during your fertile window, you would be relying on that barrier methods’ level of efficacy. NFP is included under the broad category of Fertility Awareness Based Methods. Some fertility awareness methods allow for use of barrier methods during the fertile window. Use of contraceptive behaviors, such as a barrier method or withdrawal, are not a part of Natural Family Planning. Femme Fertility teaches NFP and so you will be instructed to abstain during your fertile window to achieve the high efficacy rates associated with the method.
Is NFP only for Catholics?
While the Catholic Church's teaching on the strength and dignity of women and the theology of the body provide a wellspring of inspiration for Femme Fertility NFP services, you do not have to be Catholic to use the Marquette Method. The Marquette Method is a form of Natural Family Planning and is approved by the Catholic Church for use by Catholic married couples to avoid or achieve pregnancy, but NFP is used by women and couples of a variety of backgrounds and ideologies. Use of contraceptive behaviors such as using barriers or withdrawal are not a part of Natural Family Planning.
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