Femme Fertility
About Femme Fertility
We embrace a vision of authentic feminism – a vision built on encouraging women to embrace the natural functioning of their fertility and to use this knowledge to make healthier decisions. We are also firm advocates that this vision of authentic feminism is not restricted to women. It is as necessary as it is rewarding for the men in our lives to be active participants– equally aware, responsible, and intentional with their actions. As such, Marquette Method NFP is a powerful tool for gaining self-awareness and for expanding the responsibility for reproductive decisions to both men and women.
The fundamental facts of female fertility are lacking from our basic education. As women and couples we deserve to be literate about the functioning of our own bodies. With Marquette Method NFP, we are equipping and empowering women and couples with the life-changing knowledge of their fertility; to be their own heath-advocates.
To promote authentic femininity: to empower women, men, and couples to understand their fertility and the role it plays in total body wellness. To encourage body literacy and self-knowledge. And to expand the responsibility and privilege of reproductive decisions to both men and women.
Femme Fertility aims to promote access to effective methods of natural family planning, especially the Marquette Method. Femme Fertility aims to highlight the safety, objectivity, and overall health benefits of using a natural method of family planning. Femme Fertility aims to provide high-quality evidence-based educational services and promote a holistic understanding of human fertility.
Want To Read More
Check out the Femme Fertility blog to hear from real women, men, and couple users of Marquette Method NFP. Learn about the benefits of practicing NFP-physical, mental, psychological, etc. Stay up to date on current research.