Switching Methods of NFP
You're not new to NFP. Whatever your reason for making the switch, you're not sure if learning a new method is worth the effort.
Marquette Method NFP is objective, effective, and gives you more usable days.
Marquette & Other Methods
Identify beginning, peak, and end of fertility.
Record data on a chart
Use data to avoid or achieve pregnancy
Recognized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as a form of family planning compatible with Church Teaching
How Marquette Differs
More precise: track hormones directly instead of symptomatically
Objective: no subjective observations
Fewer days of unnecessary abstinence
More effective during transitional periods of fertility.
Reasons To Switch
Did you just have a baby? Are you newly postpartum or breastfeeding? Are you approaching menopause? The Marquette Method has effective protocols created by the MUINFP specifically for these times of transition.
You are not alone in thinking that tracking your temperature or cervical mucus can be confusing. Using the Clearblue monitor and Marquette method rules makes NFP simple, straightforward, and part of your morning routine.
More Sex
Did you hear from a friend that Marquette gives you more "usable" days? The more precise the measure of your fertile window, the more sex you can have while confidently avoiding pregnancy. *More sex with Marquette (vs another method of NFP) while TTA will depend on your unique situation and stage of fertility.
Well, what about…?
Interested in making the switch but have a question about your specific circumstances? A Femme Fertility instructor love to answer your questions?