Marriage Preparation
Fulfill Your NFP Requirement
Some diocese require couples to take an NFP course prior to receiving the Sacrament of Marriage within the Catholic Church. Instruction from Femme Fertility satisfies that requirement! Upon completion of an Intro Session (either individual or group) and Session 2 (included with the price of Intro Session), Femme Fertility will issue a certificate of completion acknowledging that you have met the USCCB NFP Pre Cana requirements.
Whether required or not, NFP is the only morally licit means of spacing and limiting pregnancies according to the Catholic teaching on human sexuality. It allows man and woman to be fully human and love their spouse fully- fertility included. It allows each act of intercourse to be both unitive (love giving) and procreative (life giving).
Just like marriage itself, NFP requires sacrifice because it challenges us to truly love our spouse; that is to give them a love that is free, total, faithful, and fruitful.
NFP Is NOT Catholic Birth Control
Being aware of your fertility is a powerful tool for learning about and loving your spouse. Even if it's not a marriage requirement, you'll be glad you took the time to learn about yourself and your combined fertility.
Accomplish Your Family Planning Goals Confidently
Want to have a baby right away? Want to wait a while? Not sure if kids are for you? With Marquette you can feel confident, whatever your goal.
Marquette is effective. 98% effective for couples who carefully follow the instructions. That means no honeymoon baby (unless that’s the goal)! Yay!
How soon is too soon to start tracking your cycle before your wedding? Answer: Never. It is beneficial for all women- single or otherwise- to track their cycles. Charting your fertility gives you invaluable knowledge about the health of your fertility AND your overall health! It can be extremely helpful to get a baseline before things get too stressful with wedding planning or adjusting to your new life as a married couple. Changes in your cycle can give you insight to your stress levels and overall wellness.
Is your wedding just around the corner? Don't worry, you haven't missed your chance to get a good baseline understanding of your fertility. By learning to understand your combined fertility, you'll be able to confidently plan your family in a healthy and natural way.
Military Rate
Getting married in the Archdiocese of the Military? Currently a service member, a veteran, or marrying one? Military Only: 25% off Individual Session + Follow Up.