Hormonal Contraception

Ditch the Prescription

Isn’t everyone on the pill? A majority of women are prescribed hormonal contraceptives (HCs) for one of the following reasons: PMS symptoms, heavy periods, irregular periods, acne, endometriosis, or PCOS. And while they can provide some measure of symptom relief, it's important to know that HCs do NOT address the cause of your symptoms.

HCs have side effects that can disrupt your quality of life, too. Increasing inflammation, impacting your ability to absorb nutrients, decreasing sex drive, affecting who you're attracted to, disrupting your gut health and immunity, and delaying fertility. Maybe you're still on the pill or you’ve got an IUD or an implant. Or maybe you got off and your original symptoms returned with a vengeance. Are you trying to conceive and finding it more difficult than you imagined?

Whatever your story is, it’s time you took control of your health and fertility. It’s time to address the root cause of your symptoms and to reap the health benefits of ovulation.

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Hormonal contraceptives suppress ovulation. So, what’s the problem with that? Ovulation is necessary for more than making babies. Regular ovulation is both an indicator and influencer of your overall health. It can indicates proper stress management, adequate nutrition, and a healthy body weight. The hormone progesterone is created only after you ovulate. Progesterone helps maintain bone health, reduces the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, and decreases the risk of endometrial and breast cancers. You are entitled to the health benefits of ovulation.

Effective. No side effects. No prescription needed. 

Marquette Method NFP is 99% effective, has no side effects, no invasive procedures, and requires no wait to switch from avoiding pregnancy to trying to conceive.

The synthetic hormones in contraceptives shut off your menstrual cycle and your eggs remain dormant. You don’t have a menstrual cycle because you aren’t ovulating! If you do bleed, it's only your body withdrawing from synthetic hormones. 

Periods can be a pain, but regular ovulation and menstruation are a normal and healthy part of being a woman. With the Marquette Method, you’ll learn to love your cycle and become your own advocate in SOLVING the issue that led to the prescription.

Your vegetables are organic. Your skin care is organic. Why not your birth control?

Take the leap toward total body wellness! You'll be glad you did. Sign up for a class and start managing your fertility the natural way.